Thursday, June 14, 2007


mm... just sitting here dreaming of my baby. Isn't it weird how sometimes you can hang out with someone and then you go home, and the next morning, no matter how cold it is, it still feels like they are there, with you making you feel alive, and you can still smell their skin and still feel their lips on yours, and then you start thinking about them, and then you realise how much they mean to you, and how they have become a part of you?

Sometimes we find love in the strangest places. I guess love is like hair bands, or coins, we find them in the dark places, and you can't see them, until you pull it out from under the couch and realise how it has the potential to be really useful.

I hate phone calls. A voice only says so much about a person. I've been on the phone to people before and I was dancing around, poking my tongue out and being stupid while they were deadly serious, so it's not as if it's real. It makes me miss people more when they ring up to remind me I haven't heard from them in months. Phone calls are stupid, they make you feel guilty for never listening hard enough to what the person on the other end of the line is saying, and sometimes we have reasons why we haven't spoken to people in months. "I miss you baby gurl, when are you coming home?" was a txt I got the other day from some random who used to like me. People only usually call or txt when they are:
a) Bored outta their brains OR
b) Thinking of you
(Very rarely do people contact you to tell you something important... no we do that in person. I guess sometimes we make plans, which we call and txt for.)
and I mean I would be kinda offended if someone only rang me up cos they "had nothing better to do" or "everyone else is busy/asleep/not talking to me" it's like... well fine fuck you, you have to be half-dead from bordedom before you can ring me! It's offensive.
Which brings me to b) that they are thinking of you. This is only ok if they are close friends and it's after school-ish time, as in you've just walked through the door. However, what isn't normal is ex's ringing you at 3am "just cos they were thinking about you" actually getting a phone call from an ex isn't good full stop. So if you dumped them don't think about picking up, it's OVER that's why you dumped them. This phone call can only be picked up and you can only talk to them if and only IF you two broke up cos you moved away or it wasn't anyone's fault and they are moving back and want to love you all over again. Otherwise stay away. The worst thing humanly possible that a person can do is call an ex who broke up with them and they have moved on while the caller hasn't, and the ex has a new partner. It sends the ex's new partner insaaane and they want to kill the ex who in turn will want to kill you for making the dumb call in the first place. The only time a person who has been dumped can call their ex is when a) they just saw their ex's mum die and the ex doesn't know or b) they want them to be even more pissed off then they already r. I mean, how many times have I sat there and seen guys get calls from their ex's and their g/fs gone nuuuttters or the guy and his g/f sit there and laugh at the desperate ex who called up wanting him back. If you love someone and they left, let it go, and if they come back to you then they are truly yours. If they don't, then it was never love.
Phone calls suck. So don't make them.

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